Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Update 10/25

Center diff lock still stuck. Brad believes the unlocking screw accessed behind the bolt HAS been turned / unlocked,but the motor is still stuck.  He hit it with penetrating oil last Friday and will see if that helps get it loose Wednesday or Thursday.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Center Diff Dis-assembly instructions

From the GTX Yahoo group:

Posted by: "Bob Martin"

Thu Oct 6, 2011 7:07 am (PDT)

Remove 12 mm locking bolt from transmission (this one takes a couple of long
extensions to get to from above). It is hard to see. It is right next to the
diff lock sensor.
Disconnect two wiring harness connectors for diff lock motor (easiest to do
from the engine compartment but can be done from underneath).
Remove passenger side front tire. Remove the pasenger side splash shield.
Thse two steps might be skipped if you are using a hoist but you can see a
lot better if you do them.
Remove 17 mm bolt from end of diff lock motor.
Loosen three 12 mm bolts holding diff lock motor in place. Tap motor a
little to loosen it up and remove any preload from the shaft.
Insert flat blade screwdriver (you may have to grind down the sides to get
it to go in) into hole exposed by removal of 17 mm bolt. Turn diff lock
actuating rod 90 degrees clockwise (or, was that counter-clockwise? I can
never remember).
Remove three 12 mm bolts and remove diff lock motor.

You can bench test the diff lock by pulling out the rod and seeing if the
diff locks. If not, you have an internal transmission problem.

After cleaning and regreasing the diff lock motor (which solves 90% of diff
lock issues), be sure to put it in the unlocked position before reassmebly
and make sure the rod is pushed in.

Good luck,


10/18/11 update

Maybe an update. Still no actual progress. Was told they tried to remove the motor, maybe yesterday, and failed. Tech is going to read up and maybe try again.

Unplugged radio, so the center diff has 12v, but no movement of the motor. Took the 17mm bolts off and turned the screw, but motor wouldn't budge. I assumed they followed the directions I send them to disassemble the Center Diff.

Monday, October 10, 2011

10/10 update

Disconnected the stereo, and had the correct power to the motor, but on a test drive, it still wouldn't engage. He's gonna try and stay late WED to again check the motor.

I'm going to send him a message from the GTX board that might help him.

Monday, October 3, 2011


A real update! They hooked up an electric probe and there is power on both ends of the motor, but it isn't enough power, only 6 volts. He mentioned that when the button was pushed that the radio came on. I'd never noticed this because the radio was already on. He thinks the radio is on the same circuit, so he's going to unhook the radio's power and see if the motor resumes working... next weekend.

Also, I'm having them run the car next door to Auto Collision Specialists next door to them and have them look at the underside. I hope to get a diagnoses and maybe do some sort of anti rust spray.